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The Role of Encryption in Australia

Tags: 2010s Access Now Australia

Authors: O’Shea, Lizzie and Thomas, Elise

Published: January 2018

URL: https://www.accessnow.org/cms/assets/uploads/2018/01/Crypto-Australia-Memo.pdf

Abstract: Encryption is essential to Australia’s modern digital society, economy, and cyber security, and it is only effective if it is strong and robust.

Strong encryption serves Australia’s national interests by protecting governments, communities, and the economy from criminal, terrorist, and state-sponsored attacks.

Encryption will only become more important for protecting Australian interests as technology advances in the coming decades.

The government is proposing to weaken encryption in the name of fighting terrorism, however this policy would create more security risks than it addresses.

There are other policy options for dealing with terrorist use of digital technology that are more urgent and effective than weakening encryption.