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Security “Front Doors” vs. “Back Doors”: A Distinction Without a Difference

Tags: 2010s Backdoors Backdoors-Feasibility Clipper Chip Golden Key James Comey Law Enforcement Mobile

Authors: Vagle, Jeffrey and Blaze, Matt

Published: October 2014

URL: https://www.justsecurity.org/16503/security-front-doors-vs-back-doors-distinction-difference/

Abstract: This article by Jeffrey Vagle and Matt Blaze discusses FBI Director James Comey’s speeches calling for back doors in encryption for law enforcement and argues that it is technologically infeasible and politically wise. The article details how back doors will eventually be uncovered and lead to vulnerabilities in systems. Finally, the article argues that the language being used to advocate for back doors builds a false sense of security in populations unfamiliar with the technological realities and leads people away from more workable solutions.