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Feds Put Heat on Web Firms for Master Encryption Keys

Tags: 2010s Backdoors CNET Keys Law Enforcement

Authors: McCullagh, Declan

Published: July 2013

URL: https://www.cnet.com/news/feds-put-heat-on-web-firms-for-master-encryption-keys/

Abstract: In July of 2013, Declan McCullagh, a senior writer for CNET, wrote regarding the continued effort of major U.S. intelligence agencies (the FBI and NSA) to obtain master encryption (SSL) keys used by internet service providers to shield private communications. McCullagh referred to the efforts of the U.S. government as a “technological escalation in the clandestine methods that the FBI and National Security Agency employ when conducting electronic surveillance against Internet users,” and warned of the sheer scope of the information which could be intercepted if such a key were turned over. A government source, cited by McCullagh, expressed concern that while large Internet companies are able to resist the requests on grounds that disclosure of SSL keys would be illegal, smaller companies, without well-staffed legal departments, might be less willing to put up the fight. At the time of publishing, no Internet company had yet turned over an SSL key pursuant to a U.S. government request or court order.