FBI Pressuring Google, Facebook to Allow ‘Back Doors’ for Wiretapping
Tags: 2010s Backdoors CALEA Going Dark Government Access
Authors: Tencer, Daniel
Published: November 2010
URL: https://www.rawstory.com/2010/11/fbi-pressuring-google-facebook-wiretapping/
Abstract: On November 17, 2010, Raw Story published an article discussing the debate surrounding a proposed expansion of The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) of 1994. At the time, FBI Director Robert Mueller placed pressure on technology companies to build “back doors” which would “allow law enforcement to wiretap data on their networks”, in an effort “to expand the FBI’s wiretapping powers to include the latest communications technologies, including social networking sites, voice-over-Internet (VoIP) telephone services and BlackBerries.” CALEA “mandates that phone companies have to be ready to wiretap a customer if law enforcement requests it”. However, a new law the Obama administration planned to introduce “would require companies such as these to install “back door” access to their communications”. The article then discusses the talking points of the proponents and opponents of the proposed legislation. Generally, the proponents are worried about national security and helping law enforcement, while the opponents are worried about hackers, citizen rights, and government abuse of the proposed legislation.