Executive Order 13026 - Administration of Export Controls on Encryption Products
Tags: 1990s Clinton Executive Order Export Controls
Published: November 1996
URL: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/WCPD-1996-11-18/pdf/WCPD-1996-11-18-Pg2399.pdf
Abstract: On November 15, 1996, President William J. Clinton issued Executive Order 13026— Administration of Export Controls on Encryption Products. This Executive Order revised the provisions of the export control system maintained by the Department of Commerce in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR Part 730 et seq, and amended previously issued Executive Orders 12981 and 13020. The Order transferred certain encryption products from the United States Munitions List to the Commerce Control List; revised the procedures for inter-agency review and disposition of dual-use-export license applications, by adding the Department of Justice to the list of agencies included in the process; and rendered all EAA provisions dealing with the issuance of licenses or removal of controls (based on foreign availability considerations) inapplicable to export controls on select encryption products, however, permitted the Secretary of Commerce to made such considerations on a discretionary basis.