Ex-NSA Chief Thinks the Government is Dead Wrong in Asking Apple for a Backdoor
Tags: 2010s Apple Backdoors NSA National Security
Authors: Business Insider
Published: February 2016
URL: https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-hayden-encryption-apple-2016-2
Abstract: On February 25, 2016, Business Insider published an article regarding comments made by a former NSA Chief, General Michael Hayden, in which he expressed his rejection of the notion that tech companies should implement a backdoor to encryption on behalf of law enforcement. While he noted that a lack of a backdoor for encryption imposes “an unfair cost”, he said “we are not required to organize our entire national life around the needs of American law enforcement.” Overall, “when you’re looking at American security writ large, [he] think[s] America is a more secure, safer place with encryption that doesn’t have a door that anyone can try to exploit." The article noted the contrast between General Hayden’s comments and those of other law enforcement government officials.