Encryption Policy for the 21st Century: A Future Without Government-Prescribed Key Recovery
Tags: 1990s Crypto Wars Crypto Wars I Key Recovery
Authors: Singleton, Solveig
Published: November 1998
URL: https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/pa325.pdf
Abstract: In November of 1998, Solveig Singleton, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, published this paper to provide a historical backdrop, comprehensive analysis of the current debates, forecast of future developments, and suggestions for United States encryption policy. Singleton stressed the importance of “very strong encryption,” denounced U.S. regulations and proposals seeking to limit development and exportation of encryption products, highlighted the implausibility of key-recovery infrastructure, and predicted a future where the entire regulation apparatus fails due to the development of a gray market in non-escrow encryption products. Ultimately, Singleton concluded that “technology will win” regardless of government action while leaving open questions regarding First and Fourth Amendment implications of encryption regulation.