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Best Practices for Encryption in P25 Public Safety Land Mobile Radio Systems

Tags: 2010s Public Safety Radios

Published: September 2016

Abstract: In September 2016, The Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC), in coordination with Aviation Safety Communique (SAFECOM) and the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC), published a report to guide all levels of government in their efforts to improve encrypted interoperability for public safety land mobile radio systems. The “Best Practices” they advocate for the government pertain to: key management organization, key generation and distribution, adopting a National SLN assignment plan, standards-based encryption, crypto period considerations, communications planning, education and training, communications exercises and testing, and experts outreach. The report states that adherence to these practices will provide cost efficient implementation, effective protection of sensitive information, credible standards-based policy development, and successful encrypted interoperability during multi-agency emergency responses. The intent of the report is to simplify the complex process of encryption and key management, and discuss the essential elements or parameters that are needed for operability and interoperability.