As Encryption Spreads, U.S. Grapples with Clash Between Privacy, Security
Tags: 2010s Government Access Personal Privacy
Authors: Nakashima, Ellen and Gellman, Barton
Published: April 2015
Abstract: Ellen Nakashima and Barton Gellman explore the Obama Administration’s handling of and resistance to calls within the Intelligence and Law Enforcement communities to pressure technology companies, such as Apple, to build “back door” access to encrypted user data. The article explores numerous alternative options which were being considered by the White House, such as setting up mirror accounts or compelling companies to back up data to a company server (which would be subject to decryption with a warrant), yet identifies considerable challenges associated with each of the proposed methods. Ultimately, the Obama Administration decided against drafting legislation that would force tech companies to unlock their devices when compelled by a court order and did not endorse any of the alternatives discussed.