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Another Faulty Encryption Policy

Tags: 1990s Clinton Crypto Wars Crypto Wars I Export Controls

Published: December 1996

URL: https://search.proquest.com/docview/430702910/fulltext/CAF9E584F5344769PQ/1?accountid=14503

Abstract: On December 16, 1996, the New York Times published an editorial piece criticizing the unworkability and risks associated with the (then) newest Clinton Administration plan to control the export of encryption software. The editorial expressed concerns related to infringement of privacy rights and damage to United States software firms, which would lose business as a result of the availability of less intrusive encryption software from foreign firms. The Times advocated on behalf of the proposal from the National Research Council – which recommended “Washington drop export restrictions on encryption software already available abroad, beef up the F.B.I.’s ability to crack private encryption codes and support private efforts to develop high quality encryption to stop illegal eavesdropping” – to improve communications security, limit intrusions to privacy, and prevent steering foreign customers toward European and Asian Software firms.